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The alias property

Nuxt allows you to use aliases to access custom directories within your JavaScript and CSS

  • Type: Object
  • Default:
      '~~': `<rootDir>`,
      '@@': `<rootDir>`,
      '~': `<srcDir>`,
      '@': `<srcDir>`,
      'assets': `<srcDir>/assets`, // (unless you have set a custom `dir.assets`)
      'static': `<srcDir>/static`, // (unless you have set a custom `dir.static`)

This option lets you define aliases to directories within your project (in addition to the ones above). These aliases can be used within your JavaScript and CSS.

import { resolve } from 'path'
export default {
  alias: {
    'images': resolve(__dirname, './assets/images'),
    'style': resolve(__dirname, './assets/style'),
    'data': resolve(__dirname, './assets/other/data')
  <img src="~images/main-bg.jpg">

import data from 'data/test.json'

// etc.

@import '~style/variables.scss';
@import '~style/utils.scss';
@import '~style/base.scss';

body {
  background-image: url('~images/main-bg.jpg');
Within a Webpack context (image sources, CSS - but not JavaScript) you must prefix your alias with ~ (as in the example above).
If you are using TypeScript and want to use the alias you define within your TypeScript files, you will need to add the aliases to your paths object within tsconfig.json.
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Dec 6, 2022